jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

Effects that alcohol provokes in our bodies (cause-effect) "by Daniel"

Effects that alcohol provokes in our bodies (cause-effect) "by Daniel"

Do you know which are the principal effects
that alcohol provokes in our bodies?. Alcohol is a
dangerous drink that exists since many years ago,
and this is the most used in all the world. Millions and
millions of people drink, this is because they feel very
well using it, but they don't know how it can reduce their
lives if they drink a lot. Consequently, It has negative effects.

One of the principal effects are the serious illnesses. It
causes some diseases such as: hemorrhoids, gastritis
and the most dangerous because you can die, it is cirrhosis
or liver's cancer. All these illnesses are the most dangerous
the alcohol causes in our bodies.

The second effect that it causes is that you can be fat,
because it has many ingredents like "cevada", "levadura",
and many others components that you wouldn't to hera in
this moment.

The last one effect that alcohol causes is the lost of memory
in our brain. It can result very problematic because when
you try to remember something, you are not going to
remember anything. This happens because alcohol that you
consume everyday or everyweek kills the nerons that are
in charge of the memory of your brain.

To conclude, exist many nagative issues that alcohol
causes in our bodies, for that you must have conscience
about everything that you mant to do in your life.

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