viernes, 6 de junio de 2008


Nowadays there is a new language in Mexico that is being taugth to many people. Now the goverment decided that learning English should be obligatory in elementary schools. There two important reasons for this idea.

First, kids learn quicklier than adults. Researches dicovered tht it happen because kids do not have many things to do, they do not have to work every day and they do not have to attend their family. In contrast, adults learn slowly because the have many things to do, and they are all the day thinking about the problems that they have.

A second reason why English should be mandatory is because it is spoken in many countries. Well kids should learn English because when they grow up and they decide to travel around some countries, they could speak this language and understand people that live that live in these places.

For these reasons I think that English language should be learned in elementary schools. But some people believe that kids do not need to lern other language, because learning English is very expencive. However, I think that there are many places where they can learn English, and they are very cheap.

As a conclusion, English in elementary schools should be obligatory, because it gives us many advantages such as: speaking with people foreing, traveling, and understanding people that live in different places, also it is cheap. Finally, I think that it is a good option for improving your education.

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