jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008


I will never forget my las birthday. It was on July 18 2007, when I was going to be 18 years old. That day was very special and the best birthay that I have had, because there were many things that made my last birthay important for me.

That day I woke up ay 6:00 am, because my parents sang me a special song and they gave me some presents, also my siblings and my parents gave my many hugs, then my cousin Gaby arrived to my house and she gave me a box of chocolates and a CD of my fovorite singer, it was the most beautiful present and for this reason Iwas very happy that morning.

Well in the afternoon many of my friends called me and told me "CONGRATULATIONS! you are old, now you can go to the night club, drink beer and you can do many things that before you could not do, for example you can drive,vote, etc...". These words made me very happy, becase now Icould go out with my friends to night clubs and I could arrive late to my house. But Iwas a little sad, because my best friend did not call me and Ithought that she had forgotten my birthday.

After at 6:00 pm Iwas with my parents when I recived a messag, that was from my best friend Vere and she told me "I have a surprise for you, Iwant to know if you can come to my house", and Itold her "of course, I thought that you had forgotten my birthay", and she said "Did you believe it?, How ? if you know that you are my best friend and for this reason I want that you come to my house", Itold her "yes, Iwill go, at what time? and she told me "at 8:00 pm I will pick you up, see you!, and I said "ok bye".

At night Vere picked me up in a beautiful car, it looked very nice, then when we arrived to her house, she opened the door, and all my friends were inside with many flowers and balons, after all my friends gave me a big hug and they sang me a special and beautiful song that I liked and it was my favorite song. Finally, we ate cake,drunk beer, and we danced very much, really enjoyed it.

For these reasons I will always remember that day as the best birthday in my life and it has been the most important, because I was going to be 18 years old, also my family and my friends were very cute with me.

8 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Thank you so much Jennifer I tried it and it worked great and I passed my exam

Unknown dijo...


Unknown dijo...

Great information about writing! Thank you so much πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‡πŸ‘

Unknown dijo...

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benita chioma okpala dijo...

thank you so much i very greatful

Unknown dijo...

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Unknown dijo...

Wow I used this for my assignment thank you very much πŸ˜™πŸ˜but sorry I used it for my own benefit πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜“

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